Berlin, Germany

Holiday in Germany

Discover eye-catching landscapes, hidden histories and sunny days that invite you to deeply relax. Explore. Enjoy. Laugh. Taste. Gather memories to frame.


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Discover fascinating Berlin, one of the most vibrant cities in Europe. Here, history comes alive in a unique architectural symphony. From medieval buildings that retain their nobility near Alexanderplatz, to ultra-modern glass and steel structures at Potsdamer Platz, each step reveals another page in the city's story.

Berlin is a city on the move, with an effervescent cultural life. From the famous Berlin Wall, a symbol of division and reunification, to the iconic Brandenburg Gate, each monument is a testament to the history and resilience of this extraordinary city. Whether you head to Museumsinsel, the museum island where precious works of art and artifacts reveal secrets, or spend your evenings in the alternative bars of Kreuzberg or Friedrichshain, you'll feel the vibrant pulse of Berlin life. Then taste the international cuisine in the fine restaurants of Charlottenburg or explore the colorful markets of Prenzlauer Berg. Choose Berlin for your next getaway and witness a journey that will fascinate and inspire you in equal measure.

To-see list

Brandenburg Gate

Iconic and impressive, the Brandenburg Gate is a symbol of German reunification. Built in the 18th century, this monumental gate originally served as an access point to the city, being part of the fortification wall. Over time, the Brandenburg Gate became a symbol of unity and hope for the German people.

The Reichstag Building

The German Parliament House is an example of historic and modern architecture. Visit the glass dome for an amazing panorama of the city.

The Berlin Wall Memorial

Explore the disturbing history of the wall that separated the city and marked the Cold War. Here you will find preserved segments of the wall, along with informative exhibitions.

Museum Island

Here is a real paradise for art and history lovers: an impressive collection of world-renowned museums and galleries. Among them, the Pergamon Museum stands out, which houses remarkable ancient artifacts. The Museum of Ancient Art is another major attraction, displaying a rich collection of sculptures, vessels and other artifacts.

Berlin Cathedral

Admire the architectural beauty of this impressive cathedral and climb the 260 steps to the dome for a great panoramic view of the city.

The Holocaust Memorial

It is a solemn and moving place dedicated to the victims of the Holocaust. The rows of concrete pillars invite you to reflect and commemorate that dark period in European history.

Charlottenburg Palace

An architectural gem from the 17th century, the baroque palace and its gardens are a foray into Berlin's royal past: it was the summer residence of King Frederick the Great and his wife, Queen Sophie Charlotte. It is one of the most impressive historical monuments of the city.

The Jewish Museum

This impressive museum explores Jewish history and culture in Germany. With interactive exhibits and impressive artifacts, the museum provides a comprehensive insight into the Jewish contribution to Berlin's history and cultural life.

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